Folkert Uhde

Room concept / concert design

As a cultural manager and concert designer, Folkert Uhde has probably changed the presentation and appearance of classical music in the 21st century through his innovative spatial concepts like no other.
He has developed the term concert design for his artistic work and established it as a theory in the discourse on new concert formats for classical music. He is the artistic director of the Köthen Bach Festival and, together with Hans-Joachim Gögl, the inventor and artistic director of the Montforter Zwischentöne in Feldkirch/Vorarlberg. The HUGO student competition for new concert dramaturgies was also created in the context of the Montforter Zwischentöne. His own artistic projects between concert design, direction and video have an international presence.
In addition to his artistic and conceptual work, the topic of regional development through culture has become increasingly important in recent years.
Folkert Uhde teaches at various colleges and universities and advises institutions on artistic and strategic issues for the future. He is also one of the mentors in the Concert21 program of the Hamburg-based Alfred Töpfer Foundation. In 2022, the German Rectors’ Conference appointed him Artistic Advisor for the D-bü competition for innovative concert formats.
As Artistic Director of the international research project Experimental Concert Research, he and an interdisciplinary team are investigating the concert experience from the audience’s perspective.
Projects of the Junior Fellows

Maxine Troglauer: „addressing a landscape“

Zwiegespräche 1: Denk ich an die Eifel…

Zwiegespräche 2: TRANSIENT Indoor auf der Bassposaune. Wie bitte, das soll zusammen passen?

Zwiegespräche 3: Transient OUTDOOR auf der Bassposaune. Draußen, Blechblasinstrument, laut – das klingt schon schlüssiger. Aber wie genau?

Zwiegespräche 4: Transient ist so viel mehr als nur drinnen und draußen…

Zwiegespräche 5: Und nun die berühmten letzten Worte, Fazit, das große Ganze im Rückblick?

Workshop “Tiergeflüster” auf dem Hasenberghof in Kronenburg

Impulse, die über ein Festival hinausgehen

Gespräch mit Vincent Stange

Ein Podcast “Wie klingt unsere Schule” mit der Gesamtschule Eifel

Am Anfang war die Kall

Unter uns – musikalische Begegnungen in Bad Münstereifel

Ich-Geräusche im Nachklang

Workshop “Wie klingt Stille?” mit Schüler_Innen aus BME

: zusammenfließen

: anfangen

4’33” als stiller Protest

“hear here landscapes”


transmedialer Kompositionsprozess


Kreative Spielräume

Liebes Tagebuch…

Annea Lockwood – A Sound Map of the Housatonic River