Maxine Troglauer

Junior Fellow 2023

Classical music, jazz, contemporary music – for Maxine Troglauer these are not genres that can be meticulously separated. They are organically interconnected resonance spaces that give the bass trombonist, who was born in Wiesbaden in 1995, the opportunity to engage in a self-confident dialogue with the past. Troglauer does not think in clichés, but recognises possibilities. Her declared aim is to free her instrument from its niche and help it to develop its own repertoire.

After a two-year master’s degree at the Manhattan School of Music, New York City, she now lives in Berlin as a freelance musician.
Maxine Troglauer’s Projects

Maxine Troglauer: „addressing a landscape“

Zwiegespräche 1: Denk ich an die Eifel…

Zwiegespräche 2: TRANSIENT Indoor auf der Bassposaune. Wie bitte, das soll zusammen passen?

Zwiegespräche 3: Transient OUTDOOR auf der Bassposaune. Draußen, Blechblasinstrument, laut – das klingt schon schlüssiger. Aber wie genau?

Zwiegespräche 4: Transient ist so viel mehr als nur drinnen und draußen…

Zwiegespräche 5: Und nun die berühmten letzten Worte, Fazit, das große Ganze im Rückblick?